Springfield crane

Moving Roof Materials

It’s been 3 years since OSHA has implemented a revision for crane operators (Subpart CC). This revision requires operators of crane equipment to be certified, qualified, or licensed.

If an audited employer program is used it can be very costly for the owner, however, the employee could not use the qualification at another place of employment.

Other alternatives are out there but need to be OSHA approved. A government entity can be used for training, testing, and licensing. These qualifications would be transferable to another company for the employee.

Subpart CC excludes boom trucks with articulating or knuckle booms but not with straight booms.

Remember there are also certain requirements when to have a qualified signal person or rigger on the job site based on various circumstances. OSHA has specifics on certification and training for forklifts along with many other loading and maintenance procedures in the workplace.

source: Professional Roofing magazine Sept 2013 (you will need to register to read the full article.)


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Springfield Duro_Last award winners

Duro-Last Honored Springfield with JRB Award

Springfield-2013-JRB-Award-Photo-web_largeSpringfield, Inc., located in Kingsley between Traverse City and Cadillac Michigan, recently was awarded the John R Burt Award at the annual Duro-Last® Roofing conference in Orlando Florida.  This award was based on recognition of outstanding achievement in quality workmanship, customer satisfaction and sales in 2013.  We congratulate all of our employees for their efforts to continue to give high quality results even while confronting the elements of the norhern Michigan weather based on our customers needs.

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Springfield smart flat roof with light pipes

Daylighting Becoming the Trend

We are hearing more and more about Roof Daylighting becoming the new trend for residential and commercial buildings. Springfield specializes in evaluating commercial buildings looking for ways to give our client energy savings. Daylighting is just one of the things we look to suggest if the building environment will benefit from it. The Roofing Contractor magazine recently had an article about daylighting and mentioned how “Roofing Contractors are the best resource for the skill, connections, and long-term presence needed to make the most of that investment.”  We will make sure whether is on an existing roof or a new roof that the warranty is not jeopardized and/or included with the roof warranty. Some of the benefits they mention are:

  • reduces/eliminates artificial lighting during the day
  • tax incentives and utility rebates
  • saves energy and improves productivity/employee satisfaction
  • reduces greenhouse gases, water and air polution

Their article is urging roofing contractors and consumers both to seriously consider daylighting and explains that there is a daylighting system for every roof. To read their article in its entirety click here then call us for your free evaluation for your roofs daylighting project! 888-469-0059

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Springfield_Oregon welcomes you sign

Roof Study in Oregon

Portland State University in Oregon is partnering with Walmart to study green roofing and white reflective roofing. Their study will help compare how well each roof type filters rainwater, and whether energy use and heat-island issues can be reduced. Springfield Commercial Roofing is always trying to find better ways to save energy for our customers.

American City Business Journals/Portland, Ore.


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Springfield health insurance

Affordable Care Act

Springfield renewed it’s Blue Cross health insurance plans in December of 2013 helping our employees be grandfathered in for almost another full year before they are required to enroll themselves and their families in the Affordable Care Act.  A longtime buyer of health insurance for our small (under 50 employees) company, Springfield will remain hopeful that the kinks and bugs in the system will be ironed out during early 2014.  We treasure our employees and enjoy providing health benefits to them and to their families.  We are so thankful for our outstanding team of hardworking men and women.

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Cool Roofs

Michigan Building Owners take note:  Choosing the right roofing material could save you money and help the environment.

While the most important aspect of selecting a new roof is the contractor you choose, a secondary component is making sure you are using “cool” materials.  Any northern Michigan roofing contractor, worth his tool box, will be knowledgeable of the latest energy efficient products and will recommend those for your re-roof project.  Need a new roof or repairs to your existing roof?  Springfield can help!  Who’s on your roof?

For more information:


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Benefits of Retrofit Metal Roofing

The reason we are seeing more calls for roof repairs on metal buildings is becuse over 77 billion square feet of metal roofing covers the commercial buildings in the U.S. and they only last between 20 and 40 years.

A retrofit roof is a way a roofing contractor can install another roofing structure right on top of the existing one. Just one of the benefits of choosing a retrofit roof is cost savings Retrofit metal roofingbeing that there are no demolition or deposal costs when doing the installation. Also, because you're not tearing off the old roof the business doesn't have to shut down during the process and the existing roof can be used as a platform. Another benefit is the buildings contents won't be exposed to the elements. It will increase the buildings compliance and make it stronger during all weather conditions plus increase it's energy efficiency.  This is a major benefit for us in Northern Michigan.

Call us for a free evaluation of your metal building. 231.263.5300

Source: Metal Construction News – January 2013 / page 28

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Springfield, Inc. is HACCP Certified!

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) training is to help preventSpringfield is HACCP Certified issues with food safety before they occur, rather than after an incident has already taken place.  Food processors understand the importance of prevention when it comes to contamination.  Springfield embraces food safety procedures and has taken steps to ensure employees working at food processing facilities are supervised by foremen with HACCP training.

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OSHA & Hazard Communication

There will be new worker training requirements included in OSHA's hazard communication standards scheduled to be implemented by the end of 2013. "The new standard is based on internationally agreed upon rules OSHA anticipates will provide for the broadest recognition of identified hazards while reducing costs of disseminating chemical hazard information." springfield rooftalk hazard training

The new rule expanded the hazardous chemicals definition to include combustible dust and hazards not otherwise classified.  The new hazard communication standard defines a physical hazard as a chemical classified as one that emits a flammable gas when contacted by water or that can be explosive, flammable, oxidizing, self-reactive; pyrophoric, self-heating; organic peroxide; or corrosive to metal or pressurized gas.

And they define a health hazard as a chemical that can result in acute toxicity; skin corrosion or irritation; serious eye damage or eye irritation; respiratory or skin sensitization; germ cell mutagenicity; carcinogenicity; reproductive toxicity; specific target organ toxicity; or aspiration hazard.

Each hazard has specific information that include signal words, symbols, and statements.  Training on this particular information for each hazard is crucial.  Access to the SBS's (Safety Data Sheets) need to be readily accessible to workers whether it be electronic or other alternative methods to maintaining the paper copies.  This training and information is required to be available to the worker at the time of their initial assignment and when a new chemical is introduced to the workplace.

Training on the new standard's label formats and SDS is required by 12/01/2013.

"OSHA believes the new rule will provide higher quality and more consistent information to workers that will enhance their understanding of chemical hazards."

To see this article in its entirety, please visit ProfessionalRoofing.net.

Source: Professional Roofing Magazine, October 2012  – Talk about Hazards



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Surface Condensation – Understanding the Cause

Springfield prides ourselves in having a long lasting and reliable system in our product line to preserve the mechanical integrity of your mechanical systems.  We call it the Springfield SmartShield™. The article we found in the Condensor (A publication of IIAR) gave a simple explanation of why condensation happens. It read: “Water vapor in the air will condense on a surface that is below the dewpoint temperature of the surrounding air.”  However, they did mention that as simple as this may be, it becomes very complicated when talking about condensation on mechanical insulation systems.  This is because there are so many factors that influence either the dewpoint or surface temperature of the insulation system.

Unfortunately, when having condensation issues, it can lead to vital problems that could lead to replacement of your mechanical systems. Safety hazards could evolve as the water drips onto the floor below, damage to your inventory below the pipe, damage to the insulation systems material, pipe or jacket corrosion, these are just to name a few of the problems you would have to deal with.  This pertains not only to pipes, but tanks, vessels, ducts and any other mechanical equipment operating at below ambient temperatures. 

There are many factors you have to take into consideration when planning your design to control the surface condensation.  The Condenser article we referenced covers the most common factors but each system with it’s environment may bring more variables in the picture.  It is important to work with professionals that have experience with mechanical insulation systems to protect your investment. Click here for more information on our patented SmartShield™ system or call us at 231.263.5300.


Condenser | November 2012 | A Publication of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration –

Understanding the Causes of Surface Condensation on Insulated Piping by Jim Young, ITW Insulations Systems

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