Springfield smart shield insulation

Industrial Pipe Problems Need Springfield SmartShield


Do you have pipes on your industrial facility that look like the above photo?  Not only is energy lost, the insulation is completely compromised; it is moldy and could likely be causing corrosion/failure points on  your pipes.  SmartShield to the rescue!!! Springfield SmartShield is a patent protected method of insulating pipes and ducts that is fail proof and energy efficient.  It is installed and widely used in Northern Michigan in the food and fruit processing industries where a compromise of any kind can be catastrophic.  The only place to get it is through Springfield and we would enjoy visiting your facility for a free evaluation/consultation to explain how this revolutionary product can help you with the day to day issues you face at your industrial building.

Below is a picture of pipes wrapped in Springfield Smartshield:


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49 Solar Panels and The 49ers

The San Francisco 49ers are going to score a touchdown in energy savings!  They are installing 49 solar panels on the top of their new stadium.  Why pay the power companies when mother nature can supply your energy needs?


Our rooftops are “solar ready.”  Want to save money on energy in northern Michigan?  Call Springfield – we can help!

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Energy Savings from “Cool” Roofs

Are you aware of the benefits of using a roof system with high solar reflectance and thermal emmittance. The benefits are important for your wallet and the environment!

Benefits of a Cool Roof System:

  • Reduced energy use: A cool roof transfers less heat to the building below, so the building stays cooler and uses less energy for air conditioning.
  • Reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions: By lowering energy use, cool roofs decrease the production of associated air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Improved human health and comfort: Cool roofs can reduce air temperatures inside buildings with and without air conditioning, helping to prevent heat-related illnesses and deaths.

Read more: http://www.epa.gov/hiri/mitigation/coolroofs.htm

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Benefits of Retrofit Metal Roofing

The reason we are seeing more calls for roof repairs on metal buildings is becuse over 77 billion square feet of metal roofing covers the commercial buildings in the U.S. and they only last between 20 and 40 years.

A retrofit roof is a way a roofing contractor can install another roofing structure right on top of the existing one. Just one of the benefits of choosing a retrofit roof is cost savings Retrofit metal roofingbeing that there are no demolition or deposal costs when doing the installation. Also, because you're not tearing off the old roof the business doesn't have to shut down during the process and the existing roof can be used as a platform. Another benefit is the buildings contents won't be exposed to the elements. It will increase the buildings compliance and make it stronger during all weather conditions plus increase it's energy efficiency.  This is a major benefit for us in Northern Michigan.

Call us for a free evaluation of your metal building. 231.263.5300

Source: Metal Construction News – January 2013 / page 28

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Surface Condensation – Understanding the Cause

Springfield prides ourselves in having a long lasting and reliable system in our product line to preserve the mechanical integrity of your mechanical systems.  We call it the Springfield SmartShield™. The article we found in the Condensor (A publication of IIAR) gave a simple explanation of why condensation happens. It read: “Water vapor in the air will condense on a surface that is below the dewpoint temperature of the surrounding air.”  However, they did mention that as simple as this may be, it becomes very complicated when talking about condensation on mechanical insulation systems.  This is because there are so many factors that influence either the dewpoint or surface temperature of the insulation system.

Unfortunately, when having condensation issues, it can lead to vital problems that could lead to replacement of your mechanical systems. Safety hazards could evolve as the water drips onto the floor below, damage to your inventory below the pipe, damage to the insulation systems material, pipe or jacket corrosion, these are just to name a few of the problems you would have to deal with.  This pertains not only to pipes, but tanks, vessels, ducts and any other mechanical equipment operating at below ambient temperatures. 

There are many factors you have to take into consideration when planning your design to control the surface condensation.  The Condenser article we referenced covers the most common factors but each system with it’s environment may bring more variables in the picture.  It is important to work with professionals that have experience with mechanical insulation systems to protect your investment. Click here for more information on our patented SmartShield™ system or call us at 231.263.5300.


Condenser | November 2012 | A Publication of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration –

Understanding the Causes of Surface Condensation on Insulated Piping by Jim Young, ITW Insulations Systems

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Energy Band Wagon

Let’s all Jump on the Energy Band Wagon!!!  Hey, why not?  Is it not trendy and cool to save energy?  Utility companies are giving rebates, every company (including ours) are using the words “Energy Star” and “Save Energy” and “Green” in our advertising.  My question is this:  Is this a trend or have we accepted the fact that we MUST be cognizant of our energy consumption forever?  I hope it’s the latter and that we all do whatever we can to conserve our precious resources and save money while at the same time earning points for being “trendy” and “cool.”  I’m just happy that now-a-days people say to my husband and I – “Wow! Are you the people who live off the grid?  That is SOOOOOO cool!”  About 10 years ago, their comments were more along the lines of “What’s wrong with you people?  Can’t you afford electricity?  Why do you have a windmill in your yard?” 

 I’ve jumped on the Energy bandwagon for life.  How about you?


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Michigan Roof Maintenance – What does your commercial building need for Michigan’s climate?

The lifespan of your commercial roofing system can vary drastically depending on four primary factors:

  1. The design
  2. Roofing materials used and quality of workmanship
  3. Weather
  4. Maintenance

The first two items will depend primarily on working with an experienced and trusted roofing professional.  Weather is wildly outside of your control unless you are prepared to move far from Michigan.  The final item “maintenance” is the single most important factor in your roof’s longevity after installation.  Maintenance is completely within your control. It is inexpensive and easy to setup, yet commonly neglected.  Perhaps it’s the old adage, “out of sight, out of mind”, or we fail to realize how many critical components there are working together in a roofing system to maintain a watertight seal.  Either way maintenance is frequently neglected.

According to the National Roofing Contrators Association, proper preventive maintenance can add anywhere from 30% -100% service life to a commercial roofing system, making it much more cost effective to pay for the proper maintenance of your roof over it’s lifetime than to deal with costly repairs and early replacement.  Failure to properly maintain your roofing system can also void any warranties included with your original roof, leaving you liable for additional expenses and repairs. 

Roofing problems can also put your equipment, products and employees at risk especially dealing with Michigan’s climate.  A small leak can quickly result in a dangerous slippery floor, mold that could cause health problems, and water damage.

Now that you’re convinced you must perform regular maintenance on your commercial roof, how often do you need it, who will do it and what should they look for?

How often should you have your roof inspected?

You should have your commercial roof inspected a minimum of once per year, to minimize any minor damage created by our Michigan climate throughout the year.   If your roof is near the end of its lifespan and/or has serviceable mechanical equipment you may require more frequent inspections.

Who should conduct the inspections?

To save money, some business owners prefer to inspect their own roof. However, many business owners and managers have demanding schedules and don’t have time to routinely check the roof for wear and damage. Others, who do have the time, may not know what to look for. 

Some of the more obvious maintenance considerations include removing debris, and cleaning blocked drain grates and scuppers; but what about checking for loose metal edging or shrouds and missing caulking? Before you undertake a roofing inspection consider whether or not you have tools to help you determine if the waterproofing has failed?  Do you have a checklist to ensure your inspections are complete and consistent?  Will your warranty remain valid if you conduct the maintenance inspections even though you are not a professional?  These are all issues you should consider.

Routine Inspections by a roofing professional often include:

– Documentation of the inspection using detailed itemized forms, photographs, and a diagram of your roof.  This ensures that every aspect is consistently checked, and the results can be compared to other inspection findings over the lifetime of your roof.  It also makes it easier for the information to be clearly communicated to you. 

– Cleaning of the drains and removal of debris

– Infrared testing to look for and find thermal anomalies (hotspots) and evaluate waterproofing and insulation systems

–  Minor repairs at the time of the inspection upon your approval

–  Recommendations as to how to handle any immediate concerns as well as problem areas that will require attention in the future, and an estimate for any significant repairs that may need to be addressed.

To learn more about the commercial roofing maintenance programs offered by Springfield Commercial Roofing click here: Michigan Roofing Maintenance Programs

To ask a question about a roofing inspection or maintenance click here: Michigan Roofing Support


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IIAR Conference

Terry Umlor, CEO and Ryan Wurtz, EIT/Design recently attended the annual conference for the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) held in Orlando, Florida.  “We are pleased to be a part of this organization and feel our membership brings an added value to our Northern Michigan food processing clients and friends,” said Umlor.  “We are always interested in problem solving building envelope issues – including those technical issues surrounding the large industrial freezers and associated supply lines.  Plus, it’s always pretty neat running into our industry friends from Wexford and Grand Traverse Counties while in sunny Florida”, added Umlor.  For more information:  www.springfieldsmartroof.com.

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How to get an accurate Michigan roof estimate?

Interested in lowering your heating and cooling bills or getting rid of drafts? Notice obvious deterioration? Want to eliminate winter ice buildup? Have a roof leak? Regardless of your motivation there are a few essential steps you can take to get an accurate roofing estimate. 

Contact a Michigan roofing contractor.  A trustworthy contractor will ALWAYS come to your location to inspect the roof before providing an estimate. By inspecting your roof and applying their knowledge and expertise the roofer will determine the following:

  • The portion of existing roof (if any) that will have to be removed. Your existing structure, the number of layers already on your roof, and local building codes will determine how much weight your roof can withstand. A roofing specialist can use this information to determine the most effective and cost efficient solution for your unique circumstances.
  • The construction materials that have been used on your roof.
  • The exact measurement of the roof. Obtaining an accurate measurement is critical to providing a reliable estimate and avoiding unnecessary expense. 
  • The pitch of the roof and its implications on the complexity of the roofing project. If you have a pitch it may be simple, steep, or have multiple dormers.
  • The condition of the decking beneath your roof. Depending on maintenance history, damage or normal wear and tear some repair may have to be completed before a roofing system can be applied.
  • The status of the insulation. If the existing insulation has been compromised or is insufficient some replacement or repair may be necessary.
  • Any existing damage around the turbines, vents, chimneys or other structures on the roof. These are common problem areas and should be inspected regularly.

After the evaluation process is complete the contractor should discuss the findings with you and explain how they will impact the options available for your roofing project.  You will also have an opportunity to ask general questions and discuss your preferences and priorities.

These may include items like:

  • How will the new roof impact your energy bills?
  • Do you prefer a specific style or color?
  • What is the timeframe for completing a project like this? Share any specific deadlines you may have.
  • Are there any “green roofing” solutions available?
  • Are there special maintenance requirements for the roofing solution we are considering?
  • What is the lifespan of the roofing solution we are considering?

The information gathered from speaking with you and inspecting your existing roof will then be used to create an estimate based on your unique circumstances and objectives.  Where available, creative options like the “metal roof retrofit” and splitting a large project into two, can be used to achieve your desired results while working within your budget.  It’s a good idea to read the estimate closely to avoid misunderstandings.  Ask your contractor questions if you see something confusing or that you don’t agree with. Having all of your questions answered before the project begins and your agreement modified “in writing” will only ensure your satisfaction with the final results. 

Call toll free 888-469-0059 or 231-263-5300 to schedule an appointment with a Michigan roofing specialist or click the link below to visit our website for more information about our company.


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